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 To have consciousness is to intentionally interact within the present reality for survival. To understand consciousness in full scope, there must be an understanding of the present reality, intentional interaction, and survival.


Part 1: Causality (material causality)


        According to experience, reality exists from one present to a sequential present. Between two consecutive presents - the former being the past - there is a continuity of events. The relationship between the present and the past is that of causality.


        The reality is constructed of sequential causality. The “now frame” of reality (the present) is the cumulatively effected state of the historical chain of causality, the collective causation. In other words, the sequence of causality is the collective causation which is rendered as the cumulatively effected state, the present. With an increment of time from the present, a new set of causality is introduced to the sequence, and the new sequence becomes the new collective causation - rendering a new present as the effected state.


        The mechanism, through which a new set of causality appends to the sequence which then forms an “updated” collective causation, is interaction. In other words, an incremental progression of causality is fundamentally an increment of interaction. Interaction links one present to the next present in continuity. Without interaction, the sequence comes to a halt, and there is no succession of a new present. Without interaction, time stands still. All that occurs in reality as time passes are increments of interaction.

Part 2: Survival


        All living organisms, conscious beings of terrestrial origin, possess tendencies for survival. 

Survival carries on as an organism intentionally interacts with mechanisms of material causality (interaction). All organisms intentionally meta-interact (interact with interaction) to survive.


        Organisms with higher forms of consciousness such as insects and mammals display more complex instances of survival such as resource accumulation. Since today’s prosperity is for tomorrow’s survival, an act of accumulating resources would technically be an instance of intentional meta-interaction for contribution to future survival.

        The Greek notion of philosophia, which literally means love of wisdom and more accurately translates to “impetus to knowledge”, depicts a broader and more holistic phenomenon of organismic survival. Knowledge provides the knower with the means to meta-interact for contribution to future survival (prosperity) - paraphrased, knowledge is the means to intentionally meta-interact for contribution to prosperity. The general phenomenon of organisms is impetus to knowledge and contribution to prosperity (via knowledge) - in short,  impetus to contribution to prosperity.


Part 3: Intentional Meta-interaction


        Organisms possess abilities to intentionally meta-interact using knowledge as the means. An investigation into intentional meta-interaction reveals a contingency - how does knowledge form?


        Suppose that knowledge is perceived patterns of causality. Since increments of time and chain of interaction progress unidirectionally, patterns technically cannot be registered within the sequence - there is only becoming of a new, updated present state of reality. Patterns within the sequence would require repetition of timeline.


        Evidently, patterns of causality do not belong within the sequence, thus an investigation requires an inquiry into the non-sequential cause behind causality - by definition, into metacausality. 


Part 4 Metacausality (phenomenological causality)


metacausality = non-sequential causality = phenomenological causality = causality behind causality = patterns of causality


        It is possible for knowledge to form due to an organism’s innate ability to perceive metacausality. In turn, knowing the cause behind the sequence grants the ability to interpret successive chain of causal events as an instance of phenomena. Perceived/learned metacausality develops into a framework of interpretation of matching instances (material causality).


Part 5 Meta-metacausality (Theoretical/Platonic causality)


        Theoretical frameworks such as physics and chemistry are used to interpret phenomenological causality. Paraphrased, theoretical framework grants the ability, to its knower, to interpret metacausality - perceived/learned theoretical framework develops into a framework of interpretation of matching/applicable instances of phenomenological causality. If causality is an instance of its metacausality, then metacausality is an instance of its meta-metacausality - causality behind metacausality.


Part 6 Vertical Integration of Causality (map of causality)

Part 7 Metaphilosophia


Metaphilosophia = consciousness


        Metaphilosophia is a suitable label for non-sequential causality behind the phenomenon of organismic survival (philosophia).


Part 8 Trilateral Personalities of Consciousness


Action = intentional meta-interaction


        Between impetus and contribution, there must be an iterative process that generates actions of an organism. Since impetus to contribution is for prosperity, any action must be derived from the organism’s aim for prosperity. 


        The first logical stage to aim is the realization of what the aim is for - impulse revelation. Once impulse has been revealed, there must be seeking of options (of action) to satisfy the impulse - options seeking. With multiple options of action available, yet paradoxical - many of which cannot be chosen simultaneously - there must be a coordination of hierarchy of options, and those that are low within the hierarchy are sacrificed - sacrifice coordination.


        At the end of each iteration, the options that are not sacrificed “flow into” an aggregate of actions (action stack). Numerous simultaneous iterations collaborate to generate the action stack. 


Stimulation (input) -> Impulse Revelation -> Options Seeking -> Sacrifice Coordination -> Update Action Stack (output)


        The three-part iteration is carried out by a conscious being or person, and thus, an individual part of the iteration is akin to a personality. Personifying the iteration brings about the trilateral personalities of consciousness - Impulse Revealer, Options Seeker, and Sacrifice Coordinator.


Part 9 Prosperity


        Instances of contribution and prosperity manifest variously across species. Less complex organisms such as plants lack the ability to travel even for the purpose of escaping certain death, which more evolved organisms such as insects and reptiles possess. On the other hand, all organisms possess the ability to contribute to bodily prosperity through the consumption of energy. More evolved organisms display actions that are similar, if not identical, in nature to those of less complex organisms. On the other hand, more evolved organisms also display advanced and advantageous behaviors that less evolved organisms cannot perform. Such similarity and variety suggest that there is a hierarchy of domains on which contribution and prosperity can be achieved. 


Part 10 Domains of Consciousness


        There are a total of seven categories of domains of consciousness that exist on earth.


First domain - Vessel (V): Ability to meta-interact with matter inside of the body. (Ex. Cells)


Second domain - Territory (T): Ability to meta-interact with matter adjacent to/surrounding the body. (Ex. Plants)


Third domain - Exploration (X): Ability to meta-interact with inanimate (constant) matter. (Ex. Slugs)


Fourth domain - Preservation (P): Ability to meta-interact with animate (changing) matter. (Ex. Insects)


Fifth domain - Emulation (E): Ability to meta-interact with superficial (physically displayed) consciousness. (Ex. Birds and reptiles)


Sixth domain - Self Awareness (Sf): Ability to meta-interact with inner (self) consciousness. (Ex. Mammals)


Seventh domain - Satellitic Awareness (St): Ability to meta-interact with consciousness that exist outside of the body. (Ex. Humans)


        Not only contribution and prosperity but also the trilateral personalities are based on the domains of consciousness. 

List of theoretical personalities across domains


IR: Impulse Revealer, OS: Options Seeker, SC: Sacrifice Coordinator

V: Vessel, T: Territory, X: Exploration, P: Preservation, E: Emulation, Sf: Self-awareness St: Satellitic-awareness


First domain of consciousness (Ex. Cells)

3 Personalities

Impulse Revealer of V, Options Seeker of V, Sacrifice Coordinator of V


Second domain of consciousness (Ex. Plants)

6 Personalities

Impulse Revealer of V, Options Seeker of V, Sacrifice Coordinator of V,

Impulse Revealer of T, Options Seeker of T, Sacrifice Coordinator of T



Third domain of consciousness (Ex. Slugs)

9 Personalities

Impulse Revealer of V, Options Seeker of V, Sacrifice Coordinator of V

Impulse Revealer of T, Options Seeker of T, Sacrifice Coordinator of T

Impulse Revealer of X, Options Seeker of X, Sacrifice Coordinator of X


Fourth domain of consciousness (ex. Insects)

12 Personalities

Impulse Revealer of V, Options Seeker of V, Sacrifice Coordinator of V

Impulse Revealer of T, Options Seeker of T, Sacrifice Coordinator of T

Impulse Revealer of X, Options Seeker of X, Sacrifice Coordinator of X

Impulse Revealer of P, Options Seeker of P, Sacrifice Coordinator of P


Fifth domain of consciousness (ex. Birds and reptiles)

15 Personalities

Impulse Revealer of V, Options Seeker of V, Sacrifice Coordinator of V

Impulse Revealer of T, Options Seeker of T, Sacrifice Coordinator of T

Impulse Revealer of X, Options Seeker of X, Sacrifice Coordinator of X

Impulse Revealer of P, Options Seeker of P, Sacrifice Coordinator of P

Impulse Revealer of E, Options Seeker of E, Sacrifice Coordinator of E


Sixth domain of consciousness (ex. Mammals)

18 Personalities

Impulse Revealer of V, Options Seeker of V, Sacrifice Coordinator of V

Impulse Revealer of T, Options Seeker of T, Sacrifice Coordinator of T

Impulse Revealer of X, Options Seeker of X, Sacrifice Coordinator of X

Impulse Revealer of P, Options Seeker of P, Sacrifice Coordinator of P

Impulse Revealer of E, Options Seeker of E, Sacrifice Coordinator of E

Impulse Revealer of Sf, Options Seeker of Sf, Sacrifice Coordinator of Sf


Seventh domain of consciousness (ex. Humans)

21 Personalities

Impulse Revealer of V, Options Seeker of V, Sacrifice Coordinator of V

Impulse Revealer of T, Options Seeker of T, Sacrifice Coordinator of T

Impulse Revealer of X, Options Seeker of X, Sacrifice Coordinator of X

Impulse Revealer of P, Options Seeker of P, Sacrifice Coordinator of P

Impulse Revealer of E, Options Seeker of E, Sacrifice Coordinator of E

Impulse Revealer of Sf, Options Seeker of Sf, Sacrifice Coordinator of Sf

Impulse Revealer of St, Options Seeker of St, Sacrifice Coordinator of St


Part 11 Evolution of consciousness


        Domains of consciousness are hierarchical - the first domain being the lowest and seventh the highest. Organisms that possess higher domain of consciousness must possess all preceding domains of consciousness. For example, organisms with second domain of consciousness such as trees must also possess the first domain, and birds and reptiles with fifth domain of consciousness must possess the fourth, third, second, and first domains. A basic evidence for this case is that activity within the body (vessel) is a prerequisite to execute any higher forms of behavior.


        Furthermore, the domains seem to have appeared according to their hierarchy throughout the history of evolution - cells with first domain appeared earlier than plant-like organisms with second domain, slug-like organisms with third domain appeared earlier than reptile-like organisms with fifth domain, and so on. This would provide as evidence that the goal of evolution has been to create higher domains of consciousness.


Part 12 Domain Resonance and Multidimensional Consciousness


        Lower domains resonate and scale upward with higher domains, constructing multi-domain or multi-dimensional consciousness.


V: Vessel, T: Territory, X: Exploration, P: Preservation, E: Emulation, Sf: Self-awareness St: Satellitic-awareness


First dimensional consciousness (Ex. Cells)



Second dimensional consciousness (Ex. Plants)




Third dimensional consciousness (Ex. Slugs)

(X|T) (X|V)




Fourth dimensional consciousness (ex. Insects)

(P|X) (P|T) (P|V)

(X|T) (X|V)




Fifth dimensional consciousness (ex. Birds and reptiles)

(E|P) (E|X) (E|T) (E|V)

(P|X) (P|T) (P|V)

(X|T) (X|V)




Sixth dimensional consciousness (ex. Mammals)

(Sf|E) (Sf|P) (Sf|X) (Sf|T) (Sf|V)

(E|P) (E|X) (E|T) (E|V)

(P|X) (P|T) (P|V)

(X|T) (X|V)




Seventh dimensional consciousness (ex. Humans)

(St|Sf) (St|E) (St|P) (St|X) (St|T) (St|V)

(Sf|E) (Sf|P) (Sf|X) (Sf|T) (Sf|V)

(E|P) (E|X) (E|T) (E|V)

(P|X) (P|T) (P|V)

(X|T) (X|V)




With higher domains, the scale of consciousness becomes orders of magnitude larger due to the multiplier effect of resonance. The above are simplified representations of multidimensional consciousness for applicability as part of an interpretive framework. The real consciousness is certainly far more complex and vast - not to mention the trilateral personalities across domains.


Part 13 Eighth Dimensional Consciousness - the Next Stage of Evolution

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